Tuesday, February 16, 2010

16 feb

my legs swell again.. my dearest hubby sent me to the hospital .. i was given steroid to improve the condition.. thank you allah.. i was not warded.. thank you for granting my prayers..

i have thanked my hubby for all his kindness all this while.. for all his patience on my sometimes unreasonable antics... and thank you for his undying love..

'Sesungguhnya apabila seorang suami memandang isterinya, dan isterinya membalas pandangan itu dengan penuh kasih dan cinta, maka Allah memandang mereka dengan pandangan kasih mesra, dan jika si suami membelai tangan isterinya, maka dosa mereka jatuh berguguran di celah-celah jari tangan mereka' ~ sabda baginda Rasulullah SAW

Friday, February 12, 2010

12 feb

what a relief.. the initial blood test clears all doubts.. i have no other symptoms other that lesions on the lower legs. the doc feel safe to let me out of the ward.. however, i will need to wait for the other blood test results.. the skin biopsy and renal test. please.. GOD.. make me well! hopefully nothing serious..

i was diagnose as having 'henoch schonlein purpura'. never heard of this.. its actually an inflammation of the blood vessels or systemic vasculitis.. other symptoms associated with the joint pains, abdominal pains.. some even kidney involvement. the main cause is unknown, but to some it may occur after some viral or bacterial infections.

now i'm waiting for the results.. feeling apprehensive to see the dermatologist..

so far.. most of my prayers were answered.. thank you ALLAH.. alhamdullillah for providing a safe journey for me.. so far..

11 feb..

i WAS that stubborn.. which inconvenienced my dear hubby.. thank u dear for being there.. for your patience, for understanding and concern.. for showing me you care.. i know action speaks louder than words.. which i always believe.

the docs's diagnosis... keeps my eyes swell with tears... inflammation, virus, sle, blood cells.. what could happen to me.. i can't imagine.. i will always hope and pray that all goes well. as what hubby says.. he is scared too, but we will have to accept.. how brave...